Featured Customer Testimonials

“Southwest Water Treatment was EXCELLENT and VERY easy to work with. Pleasure to do business with them. Highly recommended”

Gladys W.Yuma, AZ

“Can’t believe how much better the water is with my Kinetico than with the Kenmore system you replaced. My only question is, “Why did I wait so long?” If you ever need a recommendation give me a call.”

Martha C.Blythe

“I want to express our thanks for sending the young man to service our Kinetico. He was pleasant, knowledgeable, and very polite. We were both favorably impressed. We were touched when on his day off he called to follow-up and make certain the system was functioning properly.”

Ray P.Yuma, AZ

“Wow, I never had soft water like this! With the exchange tanks I was really tired of running out of soft water before I ran out of week. With my Kinetico I always have soft water.”

Sonya J.Blythe

“The Kinetico people went the extra mile to help us, with extra work and information. Love the water!”

Lorrainine B.Yuma, AZ

“Great Water! Completely satisfied but the real value is the great care the Kinetico Guys take to ensure customer satisfaction.”

Carlos N.Imperial

“It’s better than bottled water!”

Carol E.Yuma